Intuitive Guidance


Some people have asked me is it safe to rely so much on one’s intuition. This is a simple question that is tied to a complex answer. There are many forms of intuition. One obvious one is when you think about and observe something long enough, your subconscious will come up with a rather logical answer to help you. Einstein once mentioned being on a train and also skiing downhill when his ideas about relativity cemented. I say cemented because the brain obviously has been absorbing enough ideas regarding this. The intuition I am referring to when doing guided coaching or mentoring is rather different.

As a child, I once dreamt that a friend’s very young father collapsed and died in the living room. I had no idea what this meant until a few weeks later, he died of a stroke in his living room. I used to have a classmate ask me bible verses which I assure you I had not enough knowledge about. But each time he asked (eg. Matthew 2: 10) the verse would pop in my head and I would say them out loud. As I grew older, I stopped doing that partly as I felt less connected to the charismatic Christian tradition. I do not want to disavow any religious organization as that isn’t my role on this earth. In fact, it was in a Singapore and an Australian Christian meeting that I was told I would be a healer.

Without understanding, the intuitive promptings kept continuing. One time I was at a wedding in Australia and as the couple exchanged their vows, a voice came to me “they will not last a year” and they didn’t. Another time as I was driving home from work, another prompting told me to turn the car around and visit my Australian Chinese grandmother in hospital. It was around 10 pm and I was rather exhausted but this voice refused to let me drive home. My 80 year old grandmother was still in a coma after hip surgery. In the ward, I held her hand and actually verbally walked her to the other side as I sensed her desire to return “home”. I got a call around 6 am the following morning saying that she had passed on.

After a while, I began wondering what am I going to do with all these promptings? I knew I needed to find experienced peers and so I did.  It was actually two other healers Sandra Saint Yves and the most loving Melinda Lee who told me that healing was my role in life. So what can a girl do i.e a girl who doesn’t want to walk that path? And why wasn’t I interested in such a role? It was finally Mary Beth Vanderlinden who told me that I was a shaman in my past life and that I’d actually died violently because of this. I could have been skeptical except that the area in one particular chakra (Mary didn’t know that) that I’ve always felt inclined to work with was exactly where she said I had suffered a fatal wound. Why am I mentioning these people to you? Because I feel that when you are turning a corner in your life, you will find that intuitive people around you will be saying the same things to you. These promptings will also support a personal dream or underlying awareness that there are things you have to do to move forward or help others. Recently I discussed my quandary with Andie DePass and she laughed and said Oh yes, you are definitely a healer honey. But you can do this even in your coaching. It doesn’t have to be an “either or” situation.


This is the vocational route I have chosen. It was actually a directed path (even before Andie’s discussion) when one day, a group of healing students, myself included, did individual readings on one another. It was in that session that I “read” someone and saw a Chinese medicine man and a black dog in my vision. I sensed the medicine man was encouraging her to expand her therapy work for athletes to nutritional consultation. I was really nervous about mentioning this odd juxtaposition of the dog. But she laughed and told me that the old man was her spirit guide and had been seen by others while the black dog was her current pet. She was truly gratified to confirm this desire she had to extend her work to cover nutrition.

Interestingly, she told me that she saw me giving counseling guidance to others and that rather than doing complete physical healing work, I would be doing a combination of both.






Legal Disclaimer : By accepting intuitive guidance or coaching, you agree that these are not a substitute for programs, consultation or treatment from a licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professional. Michele provides no warranties or guarantees and can not be responsible for any decisions made or actions taken by clients.

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